We’re about to start the next major piece of development work on the Jisc website: transforming the research and development (R&D) section. The relaunch of the website this summer focused on our ‘market-ready’ products and services, advice and corporate information. We excluded R&D from phase 1 because of the size and complexity of the current […]
Image info boxes
During the creation of the site lots of ideas came and went. Two of the little ones I’m pleased I pushed for were a ban on landing page carousels and the image info box. Out of stock Very early on @bash had the fantastic idea of making use of our own content on the site. We […]
Picture perfect

We content editors can spend whole afternoons agonising over the perfect picture for a homepage or feature. From the early stages of development we agreed that Jisc’s new website should be beautiful enough to cope without images, but where we did use them we wanted to: move away from clichéd stock photography (do you really […]
This week’s user testing
We put a lot of time, effort, thought and passion into how our new site turned out. There are features we argued for strongly. Design decisions we all agreed were essential. Labels that resonated so beautifully it amazed us they’d never been used before. And then we tested them with real people. If visitors don’t […]
Well informed
This month, we were asked by the Jisc Inform team to reflect on our experiences of building the new site. So, for issue 37, we’ve shared our wisdom. Here are our top tips for building your college or university website. Nathalie
OK, we are launching the new Jisc website NOW Bit of a complicated procedure as the site is now run from 2 platforms. We have launched part of the site on the new platform (the shiny new bit you can see at www.jisc.ac.uk). There might be a delay until certain parts of the site running […]
Becoming responsive
From the start, we wanted the new site design to be responsive. It was a no-brainer for us as a busy team to want to maintain one site and one set of content and not have a separate mobile site, as we had done previously. It is also a better experience for the user who […]
Designing the Jisc website
With the research done, principles in place and content arranged, it was time to design the new Jisc website. From the whiteboards … First and foremost, we wanted to put ourselves in our users’ shoes. What do they need? What might engage them, help them or frustrate them as they navigate our site? Armed with […]
Not your average geek
Hello. I’m Nathalie and I’m one third of the Jisc web team based in (sometimes) sunny Bristol. I’ve been here 6 months so thought it was about time I introduced myself. Before Jisc I was the web content editor for the Faculty of Engineering and Design at the University of Bath. I’ve been working in […]
Arranging the new Jisc website
The new site has to be customer focused, accessible and helpful. If we achieve this a lot will be down to the site’s information architecture – how we organised our content and what labels (eg. ‘about us’) we used to describe it. After an exploratory set of user and stakeholder interviews we came up with some […]